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Our Toxicity

Why Detoxify? 21-Day Program


The body is designed for wellness. All of its innate functions and processes are focused on one thing - maintaining the health of the organism. Long-term health is the goal behind the principle of homeostasis. Homeostasis is essentially the management of internal affairs; a dynamic and complex mechanism of checks and balances that strives 24 hours a day to keep the body in balance. In this respect, balance and wellness are inseparable. Both are concerned with the preservation of health and the body’s will to survive. The vast majority of imbalances are corrected uneventfully without our awareness; but in the pursuit of long-term health, sometimes short-term imbalances must be experienced in order to meet the primary objective.
Imbalances can be caused by the stress of relationships, worries, financial concerns, toxic emotions, toxic foods and pollution. They all take their toll and will eventually extract payments from the body. If it cannot keep up the payments ill heath will occur.The body will reorganize, downsize and declare bankruptcy if necessary for the greater good of the organism. Acute symptoms and illnesses are all part of the management plan. If imbalances are not properly corrected, and if the stresses mount, they get factored into the plan and become constraints, hindering future attempts to correct further imbalances. As chronic stress continues for a long period of time, and this deep imbalance predominates, the cycle begins to spiral down toward degeneration and disease. At the extreme end of the plan the cancerous tumor is the body’s attempt to isolate toxicity in order to maintain overall homeostasis or balance. Everything from allergies to angina to lymphoma is an indication of the body’s efforts to respond to a long-term stress that is creating an imbalance. The body is doing the best it can, with what it has in order to maintain life as long as possible.It may sound ruthless and self-defeating, but the body will utilize all of its available resources (note: available resources), and if necessary, will even sacrifice one piece or process at a time in order to survive. Dr Bernard Jensen states that stress uses up valuable nutritional resources that the body has need of elsewhere.

The term homotoxin (homo = human; toxin = poison) refers to any substance to which the body has an adverse or toxic reaction. Such substances include metabolic waste, hazardous environmental material and by products of viruses and bacteria. Toxins that cannot be eliminated from the body are at the root cause of illness and death. The ideal healthy body - one that is stress controlled, nourished, and balanced physically, mentally and emotionally - will avoid disease having minimal susceptibility to toxins because it has the resources available to thoroughly eliminate toxins from the system before they have any long-term impact. Homotoxicology - he study of the effects of toxicity on the balance and harmony of the human organism - provides significant insight into Iife extension practices and freedom from disease.

The Eastern or Chinese model of medicine sees health as a state of harmonic balance, supported by the uninterrupted flow of life energy throughout the organism. The objective of a wellness practitioner is to offer the patient the tools by which balance and harmony can be restored. Homeopathy is just such a tool. Using dilutions of natural substances to stimulate the body’s self-healing processes, homeopathy provides the support that allows the body to rebound and return to its natural state of balance. The principles of homeopathy therefore align with the Eastern model of harmony and health, where a balanced state of being provides the greatest opportunity for achieving and maintaining optimal wellness.

Chinese medicine is based on an energetic perspective of the body/mind. According to this model, there are five basic qualities or elements of energy: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Each element symbolizes a deeper quality of energy that relates to specific organs in the body. The relationships between the elements and the organs are called spheres of influence. When the spheres are in balance with each other, a state of health persists, while an imbalance anywhere between the spheres can indicate a potential state of illness or disease. Organized and disorganized states of life energy are classified according to the basic shape of the patient’s pattern of disharmony. This inwardly simple yet outwardly complex categorization of life energy, in use since ancient times, is only now beginning to be understood by Western medicine. It shifts one’s attention to the true meaning of preventive medicine - not the early detection of pathology, but rather a pro-active commitment to lifestyle practices that promote longevity.

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In recent history, mankind has managed to drastically change the chemistry of the environment in which we live. In addition to our toxic environment, we have refined away much of the nutritional value of our food supply. This poor quality diet, combined with extensive use of antibiotics in medicine and agriculture, may have made many of us susceptible to “internal pollution”. This occurs when unhealthful bacteria overcome the healthful bacteria in the intestinal tract and the unhealthful bacteria release toxic by-products into our system that can negatively impact general overall health.

This depends on how much you learn about the causes of toxicity and how to prevent it. We would like to enjoy a vibrant level of health so we need to learn what we need to do to help our body protect itself from toxicity.

Do all you can to purify your work and home environments. Toxic materials at work could be stored or leaking chemicals, dyes, paints, solvents, glues, and acids. Household offenders could be insecticides or cleaning agents, remove them if possible. An air purification system may be needed if it impossible to eliminate all the offending factors. Regular replacement of furnace and air conditioning filters also help too.
It is also very important to eat a good diet with plenty of fresh, wholesome foods. Avoid eating excess fat, refined sugar and foods high in additives and preservatives. Substitute organic products whenever possible and drink plenty of purified water (ideally, eight 8-ounce glasses a day). A home water purification system is highly desirable.
Support Your Body’s Efforts
As much as you try to purify your work and home environments, it is impossible to avoid toxicity completely. Therefore the importance of supporting your body’s efforts to eliminate toxins that accumulate cannot be overstated.

Prolonged fasting may weaken muscles and various organs because and a gradual slowing of metabolic activity and protein losses. In the past, it was believed that a water or juice fast worked under the principle that the body will be able to clear stored toxins and heal itself when the “stress” of digestion and the further accumulation of toxins are eliminated. Nowadays it is known that the body’s detoxification mechanism is a heavily nutrient-supported process.

A more current approach to detoxification is to nourish the body thoroughly, fueling its natural detoxification mechanism with the nutrients needed to achieve optimal detoxification activity. By providing high quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and essential fats, the body gets what it needs to prevent muscle and organ breakdown and depleted energy resources. But that is just the beginning. Nutrients are needed to support the function of the organs directly involved in detoxification: the liver, the intestinal tract, and the kidneys. Intelligent application of nutrition may help in the following ways:
Intestines: The nutrients zinc and pantothenic acid, the amino acid L-glutamine, carbohydrates known as fructooligosaccharides, and microorganisms known as acidophilus and bifidus, are a few of the substances that provide support for the health and integrity of intestinal function. In a proper state of health, the intestines promote elimination of toxins through (1) regular bowel movements, (2) eliminating the build-up of unhealthful microorganisms and internal toxins, and (3) providing a strong and intact barrier to prevent the leakage of toxic materials from the intestines into circulation.
Liver: The vitamins A, B3, B6, C, and E, beta-carotene, the amino acids L-cysteine and L-glutamine, and components known as glutathione and phospholipids are some of the substances that support liver function. In a proper state of function, the liver filters out and transforms toxic substances that have entered the blood into harmless substances that can be excreted in the urine. Interestingly, it appears that the ratio of dietary protein to carbohydrate may be a very important factor in determining the ability of the liver to detoxify certain substances.
Kidneys: The vitamins A, C, and B6, and the minerals magnesium and potassium are just some of the substances that support kidney activity. The kidneys provide a major route of toxin excretion via the urine.
Fat: Weight reduction and management is helpful for those who are overweight. Excess fat provides a ready storage site for fat-loving toxins entering the body. Once deposited there, it is very difficult to remove them. Unless the excess fat is removed, they remain there with the possibility of being a continual source of toxicity.

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As we are exposed to so much toxicity in life, the body is left weak and toxic. Heavy metals, partially oxidized fats, unassimilated proteins, cholesterol deposits, uric acid, plaque, lactic acid, and the vast array of chemicals that pervade our water, air, and food, attach themselves in ionized form to joints, organs, arteries, nerves and tissues, disrupting their function, and creating an environment for disease, allergies, and immune system breakdowns.
A periodic detoxification is essential to maintain health and avoid disease. Now you can successfully treat the variety of symptoms emanating from toxic accumulations in your body. Energy levels can be restored in the body.

Because everyone holds toxins in the body, whether or not symptoms are present, the full body cleansing and detoxing that the Bio-Cleanse accomplishes will benefit everyone, especially:
• Athletes who need to rid their bodies of lactic acid quickly
• Youngsters seeking to overcome ADD/ADHD
• Persons recovering from accidents
• Anyone with low energy
• Anyone under severe stress, or suffering from fatigue or burnout.
• Persons suffering from allergies
• Persons suffering from arthritis
• Anyone in pain
• Anyone with heavy metal toxicity
• Anyone seeking to slow aging
• Children with autism
• Anyone seeking support for any healing modality.
The Bio-cleanse provides a comfortable and relaxing way to rid the body of toxins without bringing on healing crises and without feeling the treatment. It is more effective and faster than any herbal or fasting regimens, with little or no stress to the client. It is an efficient way to dissolve toxic accumulations, no matter where they are located in the body. The unit consists of the power source and an array. The array is placed in a footbath where the feet are placed. In water, this array generates a programmable mix of positive and negative ions (charged atoms), which attach themselves to oppositely charged toxic particles. This stimulates the release of toxins. The body’s meridians or energy channels begin or end in the feet or hands and the flow of energy is improved through these channels by this kind of detoxification process.
The result over several sessions is a remarkable release of many different toxic materials, a growing feeling of well-being, and a significant increase in overall energy. The body cannot completely detoxify everything in one session as the toxic build has occurred over a period of time so a course is recommended. Emotional toxins are also released as well as chemical ones.

Ion producing technology has been around for several decades, but the secret to its successful use in body detoxification is the alternating production of positive and negative ions in the same treatment. This important discovery now makes it possible to work with everyone, regardless of the electrical nature of the charges they hold in their body.
People suffering from edema, inflammation of joints, and pain that is not related to subluxation have reported relief immediately, whereas others suffering from gout, osteo-arthritis, limphedema, headaches and neuralgia have experienced relief and benefits from multiple treatments. The time for a single treatment is 18 minutes.
There are some contraindications for a person using this device therefore a consultation is required before a program of detoxification can begin.

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It makes sense to allow our disposal mechanisms (the liver, kidneys, digestive, and elimination systems) a chance to recover, revitalize, and renew with a thorough cleansing before the assaults of a new spring, again on hearing the warnings of the beginning of flu season in the winter, or in fact at any time for that matter if you wish to stand a chance of defending your body from the assaults of life!
Our extensive 21-day Bio-Detoxification program covers a lot of ground in just 3 weeks with noticeable effects and appreciable changes. It significantly reduces or eliminates many problems and ailments. The body’s own defenses are compromised by the build-up of emotional stressors, environmental pollution and chemical debris in the body.
During our detoxification program, it will be necessary to delete corn, soy, peanuts, eggs, dairy, refined sugars, gluten and stick to neutral foods and plain water for a while. These deleted foods, commonly known as the "sensitive seven", frequently produce a delayed food reaction and could be an unknown source of problems.
This thorough detoxification program will include nutritional support to assist the body in a two-tiered cleansing process: to help release the toxins, first breaking them down into excretable benign substances, then to eliminate them from the system, processing through the liver and GI tract, and also through the kidney, skin, and lung. Taking in at least two quarts of water daily is essential to the process. One phase is no good without the other. If toxins are released into the system without a way to effectively be eliminated, nothing more than discomfort is achieved. The resulting build up of toxins in the body will impair efficient elimination.
The appropriate recommended nutrients and nutraceuticals will activate specific enzymes that break toxins down into substances that can be excreted while protecting the body from damage the toxins may cause. They will also support the body’s route of toxin elimination. The use of specific nutraceuticals will eliminate heavy metals, parasites, bacteria, fungus, yeast, chemicals, help repair the intestinal imbalances, and enhance the process of restoration. After a course of cleansing, maintaining the systemic balance, including supporting the immune system, will be aided by specific nutritional support tailored to individual requirements.

Click Here to complete your own Bio-Toxicity Self Assessment Test

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You may experience flu-like symptoms during the detoxification because your body is ridding itself of poisons. You can get some relief from these symptoms by utilizing the following techniques:

This can be very beneficial because the skin is a primary avenue for detoxification along with the Lungs, Kidneys, Liver and Colon. Use a vegetable brush. You can purchase this at a health food store. You need to brush all parts of the body toward the Heart. Then follow with a SESAME OIL massage. Massaging with sesame oil brings relief. This oil can be purchased from a health food store. Massage the whole body for five (5) minutes before bathing or showering.

Can be taken 2 (two) to 3 (three) times per week (on off days use the vinegar bath.)
Soak for 20 to 30 minutes (more than this may fatigue you.)

Epsom Salts and Ginger Bath: This bath opens pores, eliminates toxins and pain. One cup epsom salts and 2 tablespoons of fresh grated ginger placed in a nylon or tea steeper then added to the bath.

Salt and Soda Bath: This bath counteracts the effects of radiation, whether from x-rays, cancer treatment radiation, fallout from the atmosphere, or television radiation, as well as detoxification in general. Add one cup of baking soda and I to 2 cups of ordinary coarse salt, epsom salts, or sea salt to a tub of water.

Epsom Salts, Sea Salt, Oil Bath: This bath helps with dry skin and stress. Use 1 cup of epsom salts, 1 cup of sea salt (from a health food store) and 1 cup of sesame oil. Put into a warm to hot tub of water. Pat yourself dry.

Vinegar Bath: This is used when the body is too acid. This is a quick way of restoring the acid-alkaline balance. Use 1 cup to 2 quarts of 100% apple cider vinegar to a bathtub of warm water. This is excellent for excess uric acid in the body and especially in the joints: arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, gout and heavy metal toxicity.

This can be accomplished by daily walks, bouncing (not jumping) on a mini trampoline or bouncing on the edge of the bed for twenty (20) minutes daily.

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Participants should consult with their qualified health care provider regarding implementation of concepts or information gained from this website. The information on this website should not be construed as medical or health advice.


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