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Bionetic Feedback

Bionetic Feedback

BodyScan™ 2010

Why BodyScan?



Because stress is the foundational cause of modern day illness the healing process requires the restoration of balance and a sense of well-being. Healing occurs when there is a cessation of suffering in the patient. It is preceded by a sense of letting go or surrendering. Most often health is restored on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Many books have been written about the elimination of stress and the healing process, but balancing the stress ultimately manifests as healing, which is unique for each individual.

The word cure from the Latin cura, or care or concern, specifically suggests the elimination of disease or distress. A homeopathic cure (termed by Dr. Hahnemann) was the elimination of the presenting symptoms—a sign that the body had finally resolved its attempt at healing itself By using modem stress assessment techniques, a practitioner may be confident that the scientific measurements aid him/her to define a path towards better health and balance for the patient. However, confidence in complete healing is the personal domain of the patient; it is the singular right of the patient alone to determine if the word cure applies.


While the Bodyscan™ test cannot be used as a diagnostic test, it is a valuable tool for detecting imbalances and assessing stress in the body’s energy system using Galvanic Skin Response and a unique electrodynamic data analysis. In this manner, psycho-physiological information is obtained painlessly without risk; the practitioner and the patient are able to explore the human body and its stress patterns and relationships without surgery or x-ray. Additionally, the BodyScan™ helps the practitioner develop a unique priority system; a stress map for each of the patients.

Based on stress, symptoms are regarded as an outward manifestation of imbalances occurring within the body. Both Chinese medicine and Bionetics look for the source or origin of the imbalance, not its symptoms. Bionetics offers stress reducing protocols through homeopathic remedies and other means to aid in restoring the body to balance or homoeostasis. Bionetics therefore embraces the concepts of both correcting imbalances and preventing future strains on the system by accessing the bio-information stress patterns and seeking out tell-tale signals of imbalance within the body before functional distress actually manifests.

More and more physicians are open to integrative or multi-dimensional approaches to medicine that utilize stress reduction, homeopathic remedies and nutritional recommendations. Be sure to inform your physician of your decision to consult a Bionetic Feedback Practitioner and of your desire to include that person as part of your overall wellness program.

Natural healing takes time. The healing path has a common destination, but it can be a superhighway for one person and a jungle trail or another. Healing depends on many factors: length of condition or symptoms, seriousness of condition, and most of all, willingness to follow the recommended protocols. Be assured that even if you don’t consciously experience wellness overnight, healing is occurring on many levels. You may notice slight changes in your health after just one visit, or you may begin to notice subtle improvements in your energy as time goes by. The stress points in the body may have taken years to materialize. II they have begun to present symptoms, it may take longer to regain balance. It usually takes at least one month for every year that the specific symptom has been manifest in the body to feel healthy again.

The recommended therapies may differ for everyone but they will probably include detoxification, nutrition or herbs and other essences or oils may also be recommended. In all cases learning to relax, meditate and to make lifestyle changes reducing stress must become part of your new healthy life. The emphasis on these stress reduction procedures is to eliminate the strains on the body systems and provide awareness for the patient about the subtle and unique changes that are occurring within their body. Because the stress points are different for everyone, the sophisticated equipment is necessary to determine each person’s own unique stress recovery plan.

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Computerized Bionetic Feedback And Stress-Assessment Therapy

Organ Assessment
Digestive System Assessment
Immune System Assessment
Bacteria, Parasites, Viruses
Endocrine System Assessment
Hormonal/Emotional Screening
Homotoxicology, Homeopathy
Toxicity Evaluation
Metals/Chemicals Evaluation
Allergy/Sensitivity Evaluation
Lymphatic System Assessment
Dental Material Toxicity
Amino Acid Stressors

The BodyScan™ 2010 is an FDA approved class II Medical Device utilizing the Chinese Model of Medicine and Acupuncture Meridians to assess meridian flow and response. The Bioenergetic Testing measures the energy of the body using acupressure point readings, providing a new and highly accurate method for determining the energetic causes of allergies and ailments.

I. Identify chemical, pesticides, herbicides, and other toxic materials in your system. (Including any problem with dental materials such as mercury).
2. Determine the energetic level of each and every organ in the body and how well it is functioning, along with the digestive, immune, lymphatic, and endocrine systems.
3. Indicate the source of allergies you may be suffering from, and foods that are best suited to your specific biochemical make-up (what should be added to or eliminated from your diet).
4. Identify environmental allergies to heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, and other types of allergies to yeast, fungus and molds.
5. Indicate any vitamin or mineral imbalances.
6. Identify bacteria, parasite and viral involvement.

In fact, the system is capable of performing over 6,000 individual tests on your body in less than 25 minutes. Most important, the Body Scan will automatically indicate which remedies you may need to help correct various problems and deficiencies identified through testing, avoiding the guess work of “try this and see how you feel.” The screening includes a bioeffectiveness and biocompatibility test to insure the remedies will do the job they’re supposed to without over-stimulating your system.

The computer measures the degree of electrical resistance of the acupressure points, on the forehead, the hands, the index fingers, and feet. The measurements indicate the imbalances of the various organ systems of the body and can detect low-level reactions in the body. It also indicates which nutritional or homeopathic remedy and exact potency will bring about an energy balance. Bioenergetic testing can also monitor the patient’s progress. There are no side or after-effects, no piercing of the skin, no discomfort and no electrical impulses are felt during the testing. No clothing needs to be removed. The testing is non-intrusive, safe and gentle.

Anyone wanting to improve the quality of his or her health and life, or for uses such as enhancement of sports performance. Tennis pro, Martina Navrotilova, has used a less advanced, earlier version of this approach as part of her overall health program under the direction of Dr. Whitcomb, M.D., in Colorado.

Bioenegetic Testing shows any type of energy imbalance in your body and tests for vitamin-mineral deficiencies as well. It will indicate remedies for correction of all energy imbalances. It takes the guesswork out of what your body needs and can tell you more about the current state of your body’s health.

uses head, wrist, and ankle electrodes for non-invasive biofeedback stress testing to determine functional imbalances in the body.
The Bodyscan™2010 tests skin resistance and begins a systematic categorization of the relative energy demand on various systems of the body with the micro-frequencies of thousands of substances, while measuring and comparing various electrical aspects (a combination of voltage, impedance, and resonance, together referred to as ‘evoked potential’) of the body’s fatigue and stress skin resistance.
The system allows you to choose from over 6000 substances in 52 categories including homeopathy, foods, herbs, trees, minerals, supplements, dental materials, amino acids, sarcodes, flower essences, chemicals, bacteria, and many others.

Pre-clinical assessment and prevention.
The human body is a complex sensing organism with innate intelligence capable of processing everything that enters into its environment. Processing stimuli thousands of times per second, the body strives to sustain homeostasis, or balance between systems.
The body’s self-regulation of major systems and sub-systems is critical to our overall well- being.
So remarkable is the body’s drive to maintain balance that even in the face of extreme stress, we are often unaware of imbalance until the body’s coping mechanisms are overloaded and physical symptoms manifest themselves. For example, ailments such as ulcers, migraines, and aching joints, don’t develop overnight although they may reveal themselves that suddenly.
BodyScan™2010 taps into the body’s own data communication pathways. By monitoring, the body’s’ response to electrical impulses, it determines energy demands and assists the practitioner in establishing a treatment protocol to bring the body back into balance.
This highly individualized approach to wellness opens a new chapter in health science, introducing technology that bridges the gap between science and complementary medicine.

For years I felt exhausted, real “fuzzy” when I woke up in the morning. My blood tests showed nothing wrong, but I went to a nutritionist who said had anemia and calcium mal- absorption. I have been scanned several times now on the Bodyscan, and with the recommended homeopathic remedies, I’m seeing a lot of subtle changes - I’m sleeping well and starting to notice I wake up energized. Not only am I shifting physically, I’m shifting on all levels -thoughts are changing. Also, using the homeopathic remedies I’ve finally been able to quit smoking and have no cravings.” Dee F. BodyScan patient

The BodyScan™ 2010 has been the answer I was searching for. It encompasses the techniques I use, including chiropractic, homeopathy, nutrition and neuroemotional techniques. The BodyScan has enabled me to take better care of my patients - to find and address the cause of the patients’ problem and be very specific with my remedies. I see a multitude of different patients, the hard cases, where the patients have gone everywhere and done everything and turn to me as a last resort. We currently have a waiting list of 1-1/2 to 2 months for initial visit and daily referrals. Dr WaIter Jaakhola, BodyScan Practitioner.

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What should I expect from my visit?
Our goal as a Bionetic/Bioenergetic Biofeedback practitioner is to help you bring your body into balance. It is documented that stress can lead to blocked energy which can lead to all types of dis-ease in the body. Although we don’t treat symptoms or cure any dis-ease, you will find that as your energy begins to flow more freely and your body systems, such as the lymphatic or endocrine, become balanced and your symptoms will clear. We use the BodyScan to help determine energy flow and blockages.

What is the BodyScan?
The BodyScan™ 2010 is an FDA registered biofeedback device that measures your physiological response to outside stimuli. It is a totally painless test that involves attaching electrodes to your head, fingers, wrists and ankles. This initial test takes only a few minutes. The second part of the test includes EAV, or Electro Acupuncture by Voll. Again, this is a totally painless procedure that does not involve needles, but rather a probe that will test your energy flow against meridian points on your hands or feet. You will be tested on the BodyScan each time you visit our office.

What is a meridian?
Meridians are a network of energy paths lying directly underneath the skin. The Chinese have used meridians for thousands of years in their health care system. Meridians are used in Acupuncture, Acupressure, and by many body workers to help release blocked energy in the body. The Chinese (and many western practitioners) believe that this blocked energy leads to dis-ease.

What is EAV?
EAV or Electro Acupuncture by Voll began in the late 1940’s when a German Physician, Reinhold Voll set about to prove the Chinese theory of Meridians and energy flow, and how that affected health. His research eventually included measuring homeopathy against these meridians to determine balance and homeostasis in the body.

Do I need to fast?
Fasting is not needed before your visit. In fact, we recommend that you follow your regular routine, and continue to take your supplements. Please bring any supplements you are taking with you to your visit.

What will my wellness protocol include?
We may find homeopathy, nutritional supplements, dietary changes and additions, flower essences, lifestyle and exercise may all help bring your body and meridians in balance. We will be working together to determine the best course of action for you to take in your journey toward wellness.

When will I feel better?
Natural healing can take time. You may not experience wellness overnight, but you may notice slight changes in your health after just one visit. Often, long standing issues which have been present in the body for years, can take several months to clear, however in our experience, they can be cleared! Often healing will start from the inside of the body, where the energy blockages now being cleared may be less noticeable by you and you may only notice slight energy increases. We recommend getting testing on a regular basis for a minimum of 6 visits before expecting dramatic results.

Remember to start where you can, do what you are able and start the journey toward wellness. This is not a race and there is no ending, but a journey where you can feel better, have more energy and look younger.

How come I’ve never heard of this before?
This type of testing is fairly new to the United States, although Meridian testing has been happening in Europe and Eastern countries for centuries. It is only in the last few years of the computer revolution that the testing has become fast and accurate enough to be utilized in most offices.

Are there any books I can read?
Fortunately, there are many books about health and wellness that can help you on your journey. A book about Bionetics became available in September 1999. Go to your local bookstore or health food store and browse the health and wellness section. Find books that are appealing to you and your specific interest. Keep in mind there is so much information, much of it will seem contradictory! We will help sort it all out for you. Please bring in your questions when you come for your visits.

Recommended Reading:
Healthy Habits, Dave and Anne Frahm
Homeopathy - The principles and Practice of Treatment, Lockie and Geddes
Vibrational Medicine, Dr. Richard Gerber
Cross Currants and The Body Electric, Dr. Robert Becker
Sugar Blues, William Duffy

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The doctor walked into the room too slowly and too cautiously for it to be good news. I had been severely sick for two years already and was quickly getting worse. Every doctor had been stumped by my endless list of symptoms. But he had the look of someone who had figured something out, and wasn’t sure he should tell me. I felt happy that he obviously had some answers. I had spent too much time in medical offices being told there was nothing wrong with me. The most common reaction was a referral to a psychiatrist. On the other hand, I was afraid it would be a diagnosis that would be terminal.
That sounds melodramatic to someone who hasn’t watched their own health or the health of a loved one slowly slip away before their eyes. I had gone from being a successful young opera singer in the midst of a rocketing career, to an invalid incapable of any kind of work within a few months. It began when I lost large patches of hair, then I could assimilate almost nothing I ate. Stomach ulcers caused constant pain, and I was plagued by allergies that consumed what little energy I had left. Where I had once sung entire operas easily, I could now no longer sing even short phrases without growing faint and nauseous.
As luck would have it though, I got a nasty sunburn on my nose which wouldn’t heal. Going to a dermatologist finally led to a diagnosis.
“You’ve got systemic lupus, and it’s very advanced.”
I felt nothing because I had never heard of lupus.
“You’ve lost almost all function of your right lung. It’s our opinion that you should last about another six months, at best. It’s generally not terminal if we catch it early and inhibit organ damage, but in your case, it’s fatal.”
I was given six months, maybe more if we pursued aggressive therapies with side affects that would kill me in a few years.
That was twelve years ago.

What followed was a journey of epic proportions. My wife and I learned everything we could about lupus, and alternative therapies that had shown some efficacy against lupus or other autoimmune disorders. We saw all kinds of therapists, not as patients only, but as students and eventually as colleagues. We studied Applied Kinesiology throughout the U.S., Homeopathy in Germany and Luxembourg, Electro-Acupuncture According to Voll and Bioenergetics in Yugoslavia, and went on to learn Reiki, Naturopathy techniques, and various other modalities to complement those we had already learned. With each practitioner we shared the knowledge we had acquired, and soon found ourselves in demand as health practitioners ourselves.
First we stabilized my condition. Then we improved it. But we hit a plateau. Most of the people we treated or were treated by our colleagues responded incredibly well, but some were like myself, “problem patients,” people whose health problems had been stabilized and even improved, but not resolved.
So we continued exploring other modalities, but to no avail. We suspected that we had maximized my health, that this was as healthy as I would ever get, that the organ damage had been too severe to get us past this point. It looked like we had done everything we could.
One day, a friend told us about a new device he had heard about that was based on EAV, a device and protocol we knew well, but unlike EAV, it could identify stressors faster and more accurately than anything out there, using a computer interface to sort and prioritize stress responses to over 30,000 substances.
He called it the BodyScan™ 2010.

I was treated with the BodyScan™ 2010, and saw immediate and dramatic results. The
machine showed stress areas no other healing modality had addressed so thoroughly. Just some of the categories it covered in a single twelve-minute scan included:

Organ Assessment, Digestive System Assessment, Lymphatic System Assessment, Immune System Assessment, Endocrine System Assessment, Allergy Sensitivity Evaluation, Toxicity Evaluation, Hormonal/Emotional Screening, Metals! Chemicals Evaluation, Amino Acid Stressors, Bacteria, Parasites, Viruses, Molds and Fungi, Dental Material Toxicity, Homotoxicology, Homeopathy, Nutritional Deficiencies, Enzymes, Minerals, Vitamins.

The BodyScan™2010 then prioritized my problem areas, making a protocol to address my health issues that was customized to my current condition and energy levels. Though it seemed too easy, our extensive backgrounds in Applied Kinesiologv and Homeopathy verified what the Body Scan was telling us, so I began the remedies and watched the healing begin. My energy came back at last. Lab work verified what my body seemed to be telling me:
My lupus wasn’t just under control, or just better. The lab work actually looked better than it had when I was eighteen years old. I began exercising again, enjoying the challenges of work, eating what I wanted, even the occasional junk food, and all the time, feeling great, and more energetic every day.
After twelve years of searching, studying and learning, it was with the BodyScan™ 2010 that I finally found true health again.

Testimonial by my Mentor, Teacher and Friend:
ERSKINE MAYTORENA, Nationally Certified Biofeedback Technician

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