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BodyScan™ 2010
(Bionetic Feedback)

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BodyScan™ 2010
Computerized Bionetic Feedback And Stress-Assessment Therapy

Organ Assessment, Digestive System Assessment, Immune System Assessment, Bacteria, Parasites,Viruses, Endocrine System Assessment, Toxicity Evaluation, Allergy/Sensitivity Evaluation, Homotoxicology, Hormonal/Emotional Screening, Homeopathy, Metals/Chemicals Evaluation, Dental Material Toxicity, Amino Acid Stressors, Lymphatic System Assessment

The BodyScan™ 2010 is an FDA registered class II Medical Device utilizing the Chinese Model of Medicine and Acupuncture Meridians to assess meridian flow and response. The Bioenergetic Testing measures the energy of the body using acupressure point readings, providing a new and highly accurate method for determining the energetic causes of allergies and ailments.
The computer measures the degree of electrical resistance of the acupressure points, on the forehead, the hands, the index fingers, and feet. The measurements indicate the imbalances of the various organ systems of the body and can detect low-level reactions in the body. It also indicates which nutritional or homeopathic remedy and exact potency will bring about an energy balance. Bioenergetic testing can also monitor the patient’s progress. There are no side or after-effects, no piercing of the skin, no discomfort and no electrical impulses are felt during the testing. No clothing needs to be removed. The testing is non-intrusive, safe and gentle.

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The Bio-Cleanse Unit

As we are exposed to so much toxicity in life, the body is left weak and toxic. Heavy metals, partially oxidized fats, unassimilated proteins, cholesterol deposits, uric acid, plaque, lactic acid, and the vast array of chemicals that pervade our water, air, and food, attach themselves in ionized form to joints, organs, arteries, nerves and tissues, disrupting their function, and creating an environment for disease, allergies, and immune system breakdowns.
A periodic detoxification is essential to maintain health and avoid disease. Now you can successfully treat the variety of symptoms emanating from toxic accumulations in your body. Energy levels can be restored in the body.
The Bio-Cleanse unit consists of the power source and an array. The array is placed in a footbath where the feet are placed. In water, this array generates a programmable mix of positive and negative ions (charged atoms), which attach themselves to oppositely charged toxic particles. This stimulates the release of toxins. The body’s meridians or energy channels begin or end in the feet or hands and the flow of energy is improved through these channels by this kind of detoxification process.

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Bio-Detoxification 21-Day Program

Our toxic environment and poor quality diet, combined with extensive use of antibiotics in medicine and agriculture, may have made many of us susceptible to “internal pollution”. This occurs when unhealthful bacteria overcome the healthful bacteria in the intestinal tract and the unhealthful bacteria release toxic by-products into our system that can negatively impact general overall health.
Our extensive 21-day Bio-Detoxification program produces noticeable effects and appreciable changes immediately. It significantly reduces or eliminates many problems and ailments. For each client, the individually designed program involves a specific nutritional protocol along with a restricted food program. There are 2 phases in a detoxification program and our protocol ensures them both, safely and effectively. The recommended nutrients enables the release and breakdown of toxins(phase 1 detoxification) and the efficient elimination of them (phase 2 detoxification) along with the cleansing of the digestive tract.

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Nutritional Support

Nutritional deficiencies are extra ordinarily prevalent in the American diet. Despite consuming sufficient amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, individuals often develop vitamin and mineral deficiencies that trigger a host of ailments and diseases. Environmental stresses place heavy demands on our bodies’ nutrient reserves, antioxidant arsenals, and detoxification systems. Our nutrient needs are greatly increased by such common exposures.
Our technology and testing procedures show what the body does and doesn't need. Also it shows which supplements the body can and cannot assimilate. We provide education on nutritional balance and supplementation. Our recommendations include high quality and effective products recommended through confidence based on consistent and effective results.

Click Here to find out more about Nutritional Support

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Nutritional Testing

Muscle Testing Techniques are a main component.

There are many different Muscle Testing techniques. Whatever the technique, this modality is a natural, safe and non-invasive method of doing a complete body analysis uses the body’s acupressure reflexes, acupuncture points and/or neurological reflexes.
It is also a method for assessing the body’s specific nutritional needs. This prevents a person wasting money on supplements that their body simply doesn’t need, and also eating foods that are causing unknown adverse reactions in the body.
In doing a complete analysis a practitioner can seek out problems at a sub-clinical level so the appropriate nutrition or therapy can be administered before the problem becomes acute or chronic.
Techniques are also used to address emotional issues as well as nutritional or structural problems.
The issues of a person are addressed in order of priority – if you think about it, it’s taken quite some time for your body to get into the condition it is in now, so in response to that, it can take quite a while to reverse that process step by step, to restore your body back to it’s former health level. But it can be done with the use of muscle testing techniques utilized by natural health care practitioners.
At A2Z Wellness, we utilize the appropriate muscle testing technique for the issue we are addressing and wish to resolve.

Click Here for prices of Clinical Nutritional Testing in our Menu of Services

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Emotional Work

Emotional stress is an all too common and too often ignored state that causes measurable changes in physiology. These changes often remain unresolved, and unresolved stress is a major cause of illness and disease. Ideally the effects of stress are best addressed before physiological or psychological symptoms occur. Learning how to identify and manage stress, supporting the immune system and developing successful lifestyle and coping strategies are the most critical areas to address as we seek to return to a state of balance in our lives.
Utilizing our technolgy and techniques, we uncover emotional stressors and address them with the appropriate protocol and techniques. Then the ill effects can be diffused or eliminated and a sense of well being emerges.

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We utilize homeopathy, when appropriate, as part of our protocol to initiate the innate healing powers of the individual. Homeopathy sees symptoms as the body’s natural response in fighting illness. The remedies utilize minute amounts of the natural substances to stimulate the body’s self-healing processes and utilize its resources to resolve symptoms rather than suppress them. Homepathic detoxifiers stimulate the body to detoxify, homeopathic nosodes aid the body's immune system to provide the necessary defence and homeopathic sarcodes aid the body to strengthen itself. Homeopathic remedies never cover up or suppress symptoms, and they have no toxic side effects. Sometimes, however,initially a healing crisis maybe experienced. This is not a contraindication of the remedies but a sign that the healing process is indeed taking place.

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Cold Laser Therapy

The laser is a focused beam of light where all the photons travel in the same direction and at the same wavelength. The Cold Laser Device is a low level laser approved by the FDA. Its power output is below 10 milliWatts hence it is referred to as a Cold Laser as there is absolutely no thermal effect on tissue. Hot Lasers have an output above 1 watt and in the medical field are used to cut, cauterize or destroy tissue.
The Cold Laser stimulates biological function. This is because it operates at the most effective wavelength to create stimulation in the cells towards optimal function, whether the cells are over the target range or under the target range. It works towards optimizing human performance and speeds up healing processes.
It generates a laser beam line that can be used to: treat a specific acupuncture point to an entire acupuncture meridian, treat an muscle or a whole muscle group, treat the patient from head to toe to stimulate neurological function or stimulate lymphatic function.

The Cold Laser is frequently used in conjunction with other protocols to improve the effectiveness of the treatments and speed up improvement times.
However, there are certain conditions that will see immediate and dramatic results. Treatment time varies from 10 seconds to 90 minutes, depending on the condition and severity level that is being treated.
Many conditions over the entire body can be treated - it can effect:
resetting neurological functions, regenerating damaged nerve tissue;
with DNA replication optimized, it improves range of motion and lowers pain and
aids in myofacial release and muscle lengthening.

There are some contraindications for a person using being treated with this device; therefore a consultation is required before a program of treatment can begin, where your questions can be answered.

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Additional Tests

Here are extra tests that are sometimes recommended depending on certain health conditions.

This analysis can provide additional information from the data provided in a SMAC24 Complete Blood Count test, with differential Lipid and Thyroid profiles, to further aid establishing the most effective nutritional protocol, with certain conditions.

This test provides evaluations and results that show important information that cannot be obtained from other tests such as urine or blood tests. With particular conditions, especially chronic illnesses, this fundamental information is needed for constituting the most effective protocol.

A Trace Mineral Hair Analysis test is recommended every six months in chronic illness and every year in healthy individuals. This allows you to establish base levels, to detect mineral changes before they develop into clinical problems, and to establish a pattern of mineral use and depletion specific to your genetics, your lifestyle and your diet. One of the options supplies the recommendations to alter your current mineral profile in a complete protocol. Another option gives a personal diet plan that lists foods that should and should not be included, and would in time save the number of supplements required.

THERE ARE MORE AVAILABLE and will be listed here in the future.

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Participants should consult with their qualified health care provider regarding implementation of concepts or information gained from this website. The information on this website should not be construed as medical or health advice.





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